Online  /  January 26, 2022, 10:00 bis 12:50 PM

»Only upward in 2022 or does Corona continue to hold logistics in its grip?«

Logistics is of enormous importance to modern economies. It is an enabler of growth and prosperity. Only a functioning logistics system can supply industry, commerce and the population with what they need at any time. This is precisely why logistics was able to show how important it is during the crisis.

Diversification and a solid capital stock are important for companies in times of crisis. In addition, transparency about value chains and the corresponding partner networks is becoming much more important. But what about these key factors in the individual areas of logistics? What does growth on a national level mean for individual logistics sectors?

At the »Impulse Conference Logistics«, the aim is to work out in detail with market experts what the development prospects are after Corona.

Included: Our expert Dr. Martin Schwemmer, author of the »TOP 100 of Logistics« study and Senior Consultant at our Center for Applied Research on Supply Chain Services at Fraunhofer IIS, with a presentation on »The new  TOP 100: Forecast of logistics market growth for the EU and the largest individual markets in the Union up to 2024«.