IT-Outsourcing Behavior in the Logistics Sector

An International Systematic and Comparative Scenario Analysis

Being IT-outsourcing an important business trend in the era of digitalization, the topic has received attention from scholars during the last decade. However, the particular phenomenon of IT-outsourcing in the logistics sector, which is also gaining momentum as a business practice, has been much less studied and therefore not present in academic literature. This text provides an interesting an encompassing account on the topic of IT-outsourcing within the context of logistics service providers facing the challenge of digitalization by providing an account of the main drivers and implications of IT-outsourcing in the field of logistics. Based on a conceptual model, an empirical comparative study between the logistics sectors of Germany and Mexico is conducted and further enhanced through information gathered by means of in-depth interviews giving further illumination of the factors influencing IT-outsourcing in both countries.


Cover zur Studie »IT-Outsourcing Behavior in the Logistics Sector within the Context of Digitalization«
© Fraunhofer IIS

Title: IT-Outsourcing Behavior in the Logistics Sector within the Context of Digitalization. An International Systematic and Comparative Scenario Analysis. IN: Pflaum, Alexander (Hrsg.): Schriftreihe Logistik und Informationstechnologien Band 3
Author: Mariam Dopslaf
Publishing House: Fraunhofer Verlag
Year of Publication: 2017
Pages: 256
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-8396-1134-0
Prize: 49 €

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